What are Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE’S)?

What are Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE’S)?

Functional Capacity Evaluation’s (FCE’s) can be an effective tool within workplace rehabilitation to establish an individual’s capacity.  FCE’s can standardised or non-standardised way depending on the purpose of the assessment. At The Rehab Specialists we use the WorkHab Standardised Assessment protocol for FCE’s and Workhab defines FCE’s as “a systematic process of measuring, recording and analysing an individual’s ability to perform purposeful activities in response to broadly defined work demands, activities of daily living or projected vocational demands”.

A standardised FCE is used when wanting to assess capacity over a standard work day, and the assessment occurs over a three hour period. The assessment can be designed to be performed at the workplace, undertaking actual work tasks that need to be performed.  Depending on the job role the assessment would incorporate: job specific tasks (e.g. climbing into and out of a bus or truck, pushing trolleys of stock (graduated weights), climbing up and down a ladder), as well as standardised tasks such as lifting (at varying heights), carrying, dynamic tolerances (walking, stairclimbing, etc) and postural tolerances (kneeling, reaching, standing, etc). At The Rehab Specialists we have also designed a desk based FCE for those in office based roles where we can test typing, sitting, printing/scanning, using Dragon dictation, walking, handwriting, carrying items to meetings, and any other relevant tasks that are identified.

Specific functional testing can also be undertaken, which is a shortened FCE that aims to test up to six specific job tasks that have been identified as challenging for the individual. This approach can be very useful when looking to test capacity for an increase in work duties based on reported functional gains that have been achieved through treatment. This approach also allows for functional education to be provided at the same time and can provide confidence to the individual, the employer and the treating doctor regarding progression of work duties.

Some of the outcomes of effective FCE’s at The Rehab Specialists have included: recommendations for return to work, increases in capacity, identification of potential barriers to return to work and proposing solutions wherever possible, clearly identifying capacity which then assists with identifying appropriate employment options, and recommendations for treatment options where appropriate.

FCE’s can also be used effectively to demonstrate what a person with disability is able to do, and this information can be provided to potential employers, or can be used to  assist with identifying employment pathways. Through this process innovative solutions to any challenges can also be identified for example, performing tasks in a different way or through the use of assistive equipment/ modified tools. This is a very empowering way to use FCE’s and is something we are very passionate about at The Rehab Specialists. Referrals can be made by employers, under NDIS plans, by DES providers, or directly from individuals who would like this type of assessment for themselves.

Please contact us to find out more about FCE’s for use in any context – at The Rehab Specialists we are able to adapt our approach depending on the situation, and as a boutique provider, we have the flexibility to be innovative as part of our everyday practice, so we can meet the needs of all our clients.