NDIS Home Modifications Assessments

Home modifications are defined by the NDIS as “any changes to the structure, layout or fittings of an environment that are required to increase the ease and safety of access with which tasks can be performed”.

Examples of home modifications include:

  • Grab rails
  • Ramps – these may be temporary, semi-permanent or permanent
  • Alterations to the home layout including bathrooms, ensuites and kitchens
  • Steps
  • Entrances/Exits to the property
  • Pathways

Here at The Rehab Specialists our friendly team of Occupational Therapists can provide expert advice and assessment to help you find the perfect solutions to your environmental challenges to suit your needs, improve your independence and promote better quality of life.

For additional information about assistive technology under the NDIS and what we can do to help you, please call 1800 0 REHAB (73422) or make a referral to one of our team by completing the below form.

Participant Details

Plan Details

Referral Information

(e.g. Mobility, Communication, Functional Capacity, Life Skills etc.)

Referrer Information

Service Booking & Agreement Requirements

A member of The Rehabilitation Specialists team will be in touch with you within five days to discuss your referral and triage the participant.

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Copyright by The Rehabilitation Specialists. All rights reserved.

Copyright by The Rehabilitation Specialists. All rights reserved.

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