Medico-legal team expands

Medico-legal team expands

Due to the growth of the Sydney team, and building on our international experience in Asia, we have expanded our medico-legal services and are now able to offer assessment and reporting services in both the Canberra and Sydney region as well as nationally and internationally. Our high calibre team is able to assist in determining the impact of injury, illness or accident. Cases that benefit from Rehabilitation medico-legal assessment relate to individuals who have experienced some kind physical, psychological or functional loss due to motor accident, professional negligence, public liability and work-related injury, illness or disease. We are able to act for both plaintiffs and defendants and provide an objective assessment that builds a case and assists the Court and decision makers to come to appropriate findings and determine damages and compensation. Our reports provide information in regard to many factors including functional abilities, and the need for current and future treatment, therapy, equipment, environmental modifications, transport and personal care needs.

Our team have experience in joint conferencing and reporting, giving evidence in court and have been appointed as single experts. Refer to our website for information about the many types of assessments we are able to offer.

More-information Medico-Legal