Mental health week

Mental health week

Today is world mental health day and marks the start of national mental health week. This week at The Rehab Specialists our team will be engaging in a number of activities to recognise the  importance of supporting mental health and in hand practising what we preach!

Each day will have a particular focus, starting today by engaging in a mindfulness exercise which you can also try following the link below. We also recognise the link between physical and mental health and will be getting active and healthy with a Yoga and smoothie day. We look forward to sharing some photos taken throughout the week and hope we can inspire you to look after your own mental health and wellbeing!

Mindfulness activity link: https://app.smilingmind.com.au/sample/meditation/?skipPost=1

Mental health day website: https://1010.org.au/

ACT mental health week: http://www.mentalhealthweekact.org/